Friday, December 17, 2010

Fun with Technology

So in an effort to keep my parents entertained, I went out and purchased a Blu-Ray Wifi player to stream Netflix for them during times when they're both tired, and just want a movie to watch.

Setting up the Netflix account was easy enough, so I went and got them a Samsung Blu-ray player because they have Samsung TVs in the house.

I bring it in - set it up - and . . . IP address problems for their wireless network.
(Fiddle and futz around for a bit)
And . . .  IP address is good, but Gateway Ping error (hurm?)

I proceed to spend the next two weeks trying to rectify this problem, from updating the Samsung firmware, to manually tying to enter all of the information (*directly from the computer settings, mind you) and still nothing.  I cannot bridge this one gap.

I looked online and apparently this was not a problem that was confined to just me.  MANY people had this same issue to the point where Samsung claimed to have programmed a patch that you could download free onto a flash drive and then plug it into the USB port.

I did that.  Guess what? - That's right, nothing.

So I take the wretched thing to my house to see if, in fact, the problem is with the machine I have purchased or with my folks router.

Plug it in at my house and it works like a charm, so the problem must be with the firewall settings on Mom and Dad's router.

(If all of this is a little technologically Greek to you - don't worry, the punchline will make up for it)

So Mom and Dad have Cox (stop groaning out there) and I try to find the router firewall settings - nothing.  All of the places I'm supposed to look either don't display the information, or say the server doesn't have it.  Or that the Mafia kidnapped their sister, whatever.  Suffice to say this purchase looks more and more like a boat anchor.

Fast forward to today where Target was selling the Sony brand at a FANTASTIC price.  And I purchased one for our house.  Took it home, set it up, and it was amazingly easy.  So easy in fact, that I get this idea in my head.

Yep, took it over to Mom and Dad, set it up in their living room and faster than you can say "The Japanese will all own us someday," it is working.  So I box up the Samsung, take it back home and set it up in my bedroom where it smiles politely at me.

To reiterate, for those of you lost in the gibberish.

The Blu-ray player my parents bought now sits in my bedroom.
The Blu-ray player I bought now sits in my folks house.

This seems like a fair exchange of gifts this holiday season.

1 comment:

  1. This just makes me look forward to installing the Roku streaming player and the netflix account at the inlaws house on Christmas day.

    BTW- the Playstation 3 has solved just about every technological issue over the last year- Neflix, Amazon on Demand, Pandora, ESPN3 etc...

    Keep your chin up, sir.
